A Juno 6 Patch Template
Most patch sheets are so boring and B&W and since I never print anything on paper, I made mine match the actual instrument.
Ok, this is pretty niche but it is something that I found myself wanting and after a quick Google search, couldn’t find. So when we can’t find something on the interwebs, we make it ourself. This is a Juno 6 patch sheet. Of course it will work with the Juno 60. I specifically made this template as a way to jot down my patches.
Sometimes when working with the amazing Juno 6, I find myself hesitant to change anything when I stumble on to something I love, especially when I don’t have time to record a piece with the new patch. I did this recently and found myself not touching the Juno 6 because I didn’t want to “lose that patch”. Well, this is ridiculous.
This is my Juno that I recently acquired from the great folks at Chicago Music Exchange. It is in impeccable condition.
So here it is, a PDF download of the patch sheet that I created for myself. I have also included a patch that I have been noodling with recently. I personally use an iPad Mini with an Apple Pencil to jot down my patches. Just duplicate the template and then draw on it and add some notes. It’s working pretty well for me.
I enjoy using the iPad mini with Apple Pencil to draw my patches into the PDF
That is it. I hope someone else finds this useful. Leave a comment if you’re using it.